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Creativity & Innovation Day: 5 Creative Careers to Get On Board With

21 April 2022   |   by Explore Careers

You might be under the impression that some people are just born creative – they naturally have a flair for anything artistic! – and others, well, just don’t have that creative bone in their bodies.

World Creativity and Innovation Day seeks to wipe this myth aside!

We all can be creative and innovative in unique ways, and that’s exactly what this day is all about!

What is Creativity & Innovation Day?

Observed six days after Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday and one day before International Mother Earth Day, World Creativity & Innovation Day (#WCID) encourages creative multidisciplinary thinking to help us achieve the sustainable future we want.

The United Nations (UN) designated the 21st of April as World Creativity and Innovation Day to raise awareness of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development.

Marci Segal, its founder, began studying creativity in 1977 at the International Center for Studies in Creativity, SUNY Buffalo. She recalls witnessing global celebrations at the turn of the millennium and imagined people doing the same to celebrate and advance their creative capacities – to generate new ideas and take action to achieve new outcomes that make the world a better place.

The day is an opportunity to rethink creativity and innovation across the board – and this year, it’s closely tied to the sustainability goals set out by the United Nations and how we can create a better future for all.

The Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals have been created to help us achieve a better and more sustainable future.

There are seventeen goals in total, and they’re all interconnected so that no one in any community is left behind:

5 Creative Careers Worth Exploring

We wanted to mix things up a bit for this one – each of these roles involves artistic and creative pursuits, but they can also connect with some of the UN’s sustainability goals – in some shape or form!

Have a read of the goals here and then see which ones you think the following roles could influence:

1. Exhibition Curator 

Curators are creative storytellers who seek innovative ways to represent ideas and responses to cultural and current events through art. Curators research artists and their work, interpreting artistic pieces to present to audiences in galleries or museum spaces – they usually select a cohesive theme that brings together a collection of works from several artists. They decide which works of art should be displayed and how they should be seen and may work for one or more galleries, festivals or artistic programs.

2. Multi-Media Artist

Multi-media Artists are skilled in graphics technology programs, and they work to create designs and effects for all kinds of digital media. They will have typically studied technology or design-related disciplines, enabling them to create illustrations, graphic designs and/or computer animation. These artists might work for film production companies, advertising agencies, or within the education sector, either teaching or developing educational resources. 

3. Graphic Designer

Graphic Designers can have a pretty varied role in the creative scene! Their key responsibilities involve overseeing the process of defining requirements, visualising and creating graphics, including illustrations, logos, layouts and photos for a company or brand. They help shape and define the visual aspects of websites, books, magazines, product packaging, exhibitions – and more! Typically, you’ll be given a brief from your client or employer based on what they’re looking for. Then you’ll go to work creating something that visually represents what they want and delivers essential organisational branding and messages.

4. Interior Designer

Interior Designers work on bringing different spaces to life through aesthetic design and finishing details, to create a visually appealing space that meets client needs and ideas. They can work across commercial, industrial, retail and residential building interiors to produce an environment tailored to a purpose, emphasising space creation, space planning, and factors that enhance living and working environments. From the colour of the walls and carpet to the style of furniture and the overall layout and plants – interior designers have a knack for listening to what others want and need a space to be and making it happen!

5. Event Planner

Event planners, also known as event coordinators, are responsible for organising and managing every aspect of an event – from weddings and parties to large fundraising events and commercial product launches. Their duties include conceptualising theme ideas, planning budgets, booking venues, liaising with suppliers and clients, managing logistics, and presenting post-event reports. While it might not be a career that springs to mind immediately when you think about creativity – there’s a lot of ideation that has to happen to bring a successful event together! Innovation also steps up when budget and space constraints mean these savvy planners have to develop solutions to deliver events within given specifications.

Flex Your Creative Brain

All areas of society and workplaces can play a significant role in helping the UN achieve its seventeen sustainable goals – and it’s going to take a lot of creativity and innovation!

You can check some exciting events happening across Australia for WCID via the website here.

We’d love to see how you’re interpreting the day to showcase your creative skills – be sure to tag us on social media and let us know what you think of the careers we’ve showcased in this blog!


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