Careers in Insurance

Banking, Insurance & Finance

Go Anywhere. Do Anything.

Whatever you picture an insurance career to be like, leave it all behind. It’s more than you ever imagined!

You’ve probably never thought much about insurance and we’re betting you’ve never thought about it as a career. We are here to tell you that insurance is one of the most varied, rewarding and exciting careers out there.

Every part of life has insurance behind it, from the food you eat to the buildings you work in, to the homes you live in. It is fundamental to life as we know it. Now imagine working in it.

An ANZIIF Initiative

An initiative by ANZIIF, this program aims to inspire young people, career changers and other members of the community to see the diverse, challenging and rewarding opportunities the insurance industry has to offer.


Why we love working in insurance

It’s about people

People are the driving force behind the insurance industry. From getting drought-stricken farmers back on their feet, to supporting a business after a cyber-attack, there are many ways a career in insurance allows you to help those who need it most. Whether it’s at the local or international level, people and relationships are at the heart of insurance.

It’s critical

Insurance is the foundation that helps build the world around us. Without it governments can’t function, banks won’t lend money, homes can’t be built, airlines can’t fly and coffee can’t be poured. Being a part of something so critical to the world is a pretty special thing. Insurers are central players in discussions and developments across the globe. Look at any news headline in the world and there’ll be an insurance story behind it.

It’s diverse and unusual

Unlike most industries, you’re in the driver’s seat with a career in insurance. Instead of going bottom to top, you can move sideways, exploring different fields and roles in pretty much anything that interests you. The industry is enormous and incredibly varied, with jobs to suit every personality type and almost every skill set. If you love helping people, insurance is for you. If you’re the analytical, investigative type, insurance is for you. If exploring new horizons makes you tick, insurance is for you. You get the drift…

It’s global

A career in insurance can take you all over the world. From helping someone with a flooded house in Auckland, to talking about the risks of piracy in the Philippines or investigating the potential of drone technology in San Francisco, insurance professionals find solutions for people all over the world. Insurance is one of the most international industries around – you never know where you might end up.

It’s lucrative

Insurance is a $180bn a year industry — that makes it the biggest part of Australia’s economy, ahead of the mining, construction and manufacturing industries. An industry as important as insurance needs the best people. This means insurance jobs are generally paid better than many other industries.

Find your fit

As one of the biggest, most diverse industries in the world, insurance has more roles than you’d imagine – including ones that are perfect for you. Love numbers? You’re needed. Love people? Insurance has roles for you. Analytical? A big thinker? A problem solver? Whatever you are, insurance has a job with your name on it.

Find the role that best fits your personality!

Apply for your future role

Wondering where you can work? Click here to find out!

Work for the companies building the insurance industry of the future!

Social – “Helper”

You love to support and help people, and find happiness doing so.

Potential roles for you: claims handling, customer service, human resources, loss adjusting.

Learn more about these roles

Claims handling

When disaster strikes or life throws a curve ball, you will be responsible for guiding people through it. Working across a variety of areas including property, motor vehicle, employee fraud, cyber-crime, personal injury or liability, you are responsible for supporting customers through the claims process by receiving, analysing and settling claims. Working with an array of experts, you will investigate the cause of the claim and work to ensure customers’ needs are met.

Human Resources

The eyes, ears and heart of any organisation, human resource professionals are responsible for assisting the business to achieve its goals by ensuring legal compliance, optimising the employee life cycle, and ensuring the development of an organisation through culture, building capacity and change management.

Loss Adjusting 

Tasked with assessing the complexity of claims, you will be responsible for providing the technical expertise on large or complex claims, providing advice to claims managers, attending mediation and court hearings and liaising with insurers, customers, and third party providers.

Artistic – “Creator”

You’re full of creative energy, an innovator and imaginative.

Potential roles for you: actuary, marketing/communications, product development, sales

Learn more about these roles


The sort of role that suits those with an inquisitive nature and single-minded determination, you will be responsible for evaluating risks and opportunities, applying mathematical, statistical and economic analysis to business problems, and provide technical advice to insurance and reinsurance organisations.


As the voice of an organisation you will be responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies with your creative ideas. It also involves crafting corporate messaging, style, and developing and maintaining relationships with internal and external parties.

Product Development 

This role suits those who have strong commercial acumen and an eye for business. Looking after a portfolio you will ensure those products are profitable, and will develop and implement product management strategies and maintain and grow market-competitive products.


You are an excellent persuader with great communication skills. Your job is basically to be a matchmaker, but for products or services. You will need to be able to build lasting relationships with customers and understand their needs in order to match them with the right products or services. Plus be the customer’s hero when it comes to resolving any issues that arise.

Enterprising – “Persuader”

You’re a social people person, extroverted and proud!

Potential roles for you: broking, business development, human resources, marketing/communications, sales

Learn more about these roles


A trusted adviser and integral partner, you are the conduit between the client and the insurer, ensuring both parties get the outcome they need. Working on behalf of the customer, you will be responsible for analysing client risk, preparing policy quotes and renewals, creating new business opportunities, liaising with clients, insurers and underwriters, and providing customer service, particularly around claims management.

Human Resources

The eyes, ears and heart of any organisation, human resource professionals are responsible for assisting the business to achieve its goals by ensuring legal compliance, optimising the employee life cycle, and ensuring the development of an organisation through culture, building capacity and change management.


As the voice of an organisation you will be responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies with your creative ideas. It also involves crafting corporate messaging, style, and developing and maintaining relationships with internal and external parties.


You are an excellent persuader with great communication skills. Your job is basically to be a matchmaker, but for products or services. You will need to be able to build lasting relationships with customers and understand their needs in order to match them with the right products or services. Plus be the customer’s hero when it comes to resolving any issues that arise.

Realistic – “Do-er”

You’re a practical, hands-on and active person.

Potential roles for you: broking, risk management, risk surveyor, loss adjusting

Learn more about these roles


A trusted adviser and integral partner, you are the conduit between the client and the insurer, ensuring both parties get the outcome they need. Working on behalf of the customer, you will be responsible for analysing client risk, preparing policy quotes and renewals, creating new business opportunities, liaising with clients, insurers and underwriters, and providing customer service, particularly around claims management.

Risk Management

Knowing what to do in a crisis only goes so far; knowing how to prevent that crisis – that’s where you come in. You are responsible identifying and assessing risks and threats to your organisation, developing and implementing strategies to minimise those risks, and developing and directing awareness of risk culture throughout the organisation.

Risk Surveying

You are the key to keeping both the client and insurer covered. Using your investigative nous, will be responsible for determining the possible financial risk posed by offering insurance cover. Always on the move, you will meet with clients, brokers and underwriters, carry out site surveys, research, assess and evaluate risks, and present your recommendations to ensure everybody’s needs are met.

Loss Adjusting

Tasked with assessing the complexity of claims, you will be responsible for providing the technical expertise on large or complex claims, providing advice to claims managers, attending mediation and court hearings and liaising with insurers, customers, and third party providers.

Investigative – “Thinker”

You’re curious and like to further research and investigate to solve problems.

Potential roles for you: accounting/finance, actuary, loss adjusting, risk management, risk surveyor

Learn more about these role


An eye for numbers and a curious mind is a necessity when you’re responsible for an organisation’s financial health. Your responsibilities include forecasting and preparing budgets, financial reporting, accounts payable and receivable and managing statutory and compliance obligations.


The sort of role that suits those with an inquisitive nature and single-minded determination, you will be responsible for evaluating risks and opportunities, applying mathematical, statistical and economic analysis to business problems, and provide technical advice to insurance and reinsurance organisations.

Loss Adjusting

Tasked with assessing the complexity of claims, you will be responsible for providing the technical expertise on large or complex claims, providing advice to claims managers, attending mediation and court hearings and liaising with insurers, customers, and third party providers.

Risk Management

Knowing what to do in a crisis only goes so far; knowing how to prevent that crisis – that’s where you come in. You are responsible identifying and assessing risks and threats to your organisation, developing and implementing strategies to minimise those risks, and developing and directing awareness of risk culture throughout the organisation.

Risk Surveying

You are the key to keeping both the client and insurer covered. Using your investigative nous, will be responsible for determining the possible financial risk posed by offering insurance cover. Always on the move, you will meet with clients, brokers and underwriters, carry out site surveys, research, assess and evaluate risks, and present your recommendations to ensure everybody’s needs are met.

Conventional – “Organiser”

You thrive analysing, enjoy crunching the numbers and are results-oriented.

Potential roles for you: accounting/finance, actuary, information technology, underwriting and pricing

Learn more about these role


An eye for numbers and a curious mind is a necessity when you’re responsible for an organisation’s financial health. Your responsibilities include forecasting and preparing budgets, financial reporting, accounts payable and receivable and managing statutory and compliance obligations.


The sort of role that suits those with an inquisitive nature and single-minded determination, you will be responsible for evaluating risks and opportunities, applying mathematical, statistical and economic analysis to business problems, and provide technical advice to insurance and reinsurance organisations.

Underwriting and Pricing

This role is for someone with an entrepreneurial spirit who can see what others don’t. From piracy threats to solar storms, identity and data theft, to airline disasters or bushfires, you will be responsible for researching and pricing insurance risks across all facets of life and business.

Where you can work

We’re looking to tomorrow

An industry as diverse as insurance requires a diverse range of businesses to support it. If you’re starting to see just how exciting and varied your career in insurance could be, come meet the companies building the insurance industry of the future.


Looking to the future? These Careers in Insurance supporters are too.


Q: Do I need a specific degree to work in insurance?

A: While a degree in a related field such as business or finance can be helpful, it’s not always necessary. Many insurance companies offer on-the-job training and development programs to help employees build the skills they need to succeed.

Q: What skills are important for a career in insurance?

A: Regardless of your skill set there’s a job for you. Generally speaking, strong communication skills, attention to detail, analytical thinking, and customer service skills are all important for a career in insurance. Depending on the specific role, other skills such as sales or technical expertise may also be necessary.

Q: What’s the earning potential for careers in insurance?

A: Earning potential can vary depending on the specific role and level of experience. However, many roles in the insurance industry offer competitive salaries and opportunities for career advancement.

Q: What kind of training and development opportunities are available in the insurance industry?

A: Many insurance companies offer on-the-job training and development programs to help employees build the skills they need to succeed. Some companies may also offer tuition reimbursement or other educational opportunities to help employees further their education.

Q: What kind of career advancement opportunities are available in the insurance industry?

A: There are many opportunities for career advancement in the insurance industry, including moving up to higher-level roles or taking on additional responsibilities within your current role. Some companies may also offer leadership development programs or other opportunities for professional growth.

Q: Is the insurance industry stable?

A: Yes, the insurance industry is generally considered to be stable and provides many opportunities for long-term career growth. Insurance is a necessary service that people will always need, so there will always be a demand for skilled professionals in this field.

Q: What’s the work environment like in the insurance industry?

A: Work environments can vary depending on the specific role and company. Some insurance jobs may involve working in an office setting, while others may require travel or working remotely. Many insurance companies offer flexible work arrangements to accommodate different needs and lifestyles.

Q: What’s the work-life balance like in the insurance industry?

A: Work-life balance can vary depending on the specific role and company. However, many insurance companies offer flexible work arrangements and other perks to help employees achieve a healthy work-life balance.

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